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Monedero launches new cylinder heads for LCV and passenger cars

The success of the previous launch has prompted Monedero to expand its range of cylinder heads for light commercial vehicles and passenger cars

Last year, Auto Comercial Monedero carried out one of the most ambitious projects in its history.

In October 2022, the company made a big leap into the LCV and passenger car market with the launch of a new range of cylinder heads with more than 700 references. These were applicable to the main brands in the sector, such as Audi, BMW, Alfa Romeo, Dacia, Iveco, Jeep, Kia, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Peugeot, Porsche and Renault.

Due to the success they had,… Monedero launches 40 new references! If you want to know more, keep reading!

Cylinder heads for LCV and passenger cars

Monedero launches 40 new stock references for LCV and passenger cars with the aim of establishing itself in this market and expanding its range of products.

Some of the most notable references are:

  • The bare cylinder head with Monedero reference 04012000002 for application type/model SUZUKI RHT and with 6 equivalent references such as 1111167J00, 1111167J10 and 1111167J11.
  • The bare cylinder head with Monedero reference 05012000001 of application type/model FORD H9FB. It has 30 equivalent references such as 1099947, 1333272 and 1420146.
  • The bare stock with Monedero reference 10012000046 of application type/model MB OM699. It has 31 equivalent references such as 1104100Q2L, 1104100Q3E and 1104100W2L.
  • The bare cylinder head with Monedero reference 30012000016 of application type/model IVECO F1CE3481M and with 14 equivalent references such as 0200KC, 101400 and 42576090.
  • The bare cylinder head with Monedero reference 80012000003 of AUDI CLHA type/model application with 9 equivalent references such as 04L103064, 04L103064F and 04L103064FX.
  • The bare cylinder head with Monedero reference 81012000015 of application type/model CITROEN DW12ME5. It has 12 equivalent references such as 0200GH, 1478802 and 2038687.
  • The bare cylinder head with Monedero reference 81012000065 of OPEL F8Q type/model application and with 46 equivalent references such as 0609118, 1104100QAE and 1111067JG0000.

Now you know! If you need cylinder heads for light industrial vehicles or cars, you can find them in Monedero… All our products have the same quality as the original ones, but at a much more competitive price!

B2b web platform

On the b2b web platform of Auto Comercial Monedero you will find more than 1 million references. Through this, you can consult the products you need and obtain personalized technical assistance in real time.

In addition, the search engine allows you to search both by the name of the product and by the original and OEM reference… What are you waiting for to enjoy all its advantages? Sign up!

Do you want to know how it is used? Next, we explain all the steps you must follow:

  1. Register in our online store and fill out the technical sheet.
  2. Fill the cart with the products you need.
  3. Choose the payment method that best suits you.
  4. Ready! You will soon receive your products.

Remember that through Monedero’s B2B web platform you will be able to purchase the new range of cylinder heads for LCV and passenger cars and… many more products!

Monedero, closer than ever, close as always


Hydrogen trucks, fact or fiction?

Hydrogen is proposed by the European Union as a good alternative to gasoline or diesel, but doubts arise as to whether it is applicable to all types of vehicles.

As we mentioned in the previous blog post, in recent months there has been a heated debate on measures to achieve climate neutrality in the EU by 2050. For this reason, the European Parliament is in the midst of negotiations to bring forward a law banning the manufacture of combustion cars from 2035.

This law is causing controversy because the leading countries in the manufacture of combustion vehicles, such as Germany and Italy, are opposing it.

Among the various alternatives to diesel or gasoline is green hydrogen, a non-polluting gas obtained through the use of renewable energies. The characteristics of green hydrogen include the fact that it is the lightest chemical element in existence, can be stored and is sustainable.

The main use of green hydrogen is to be a clean fuel for vehicles and transport of all kinds, however, it is also used in other sectors and practices. It should be noted that Spain is a major producer of green hydrogen, since the largest plant in Europe is located in our country, specifically in Puertollano (Ciudad Real).

Therefore, it would be necessary to take into account the economic advantages that this could mean for Spain, because, as the gas can be stored, it can be sold to other countries. Consequently, this could benefit the national economy, while collaborating in the ecological transition of other territories.

Hydrogen engines

It appears that diesel engines may have a second life, as engineers at the University of New South Wales in Sydney have developed a system to make a diesel engine run on hydrogen. Among the advantages of this system are that the engine produces 85% less carbon dioxide emissions and is 26% more efficient than a diesel engine.

But is this applicable to all types of vehicles? To date, the vast majority of scientific tests have been carried out on passenger cars, which may lead one to think that this system may not be equally efficient in its application in heavy commercial vehicles or trucks.

Trucks with hydrogen engines?

As mentioned in the previous section, most studies to date have considered passenger cars. Therefore, doubts arise as to whether trucks could be efficient with hydrogen as fuel, since they make long-distance trips with a large load.

Although we still cannot give a clear answer to this question, some studies and projects seem to shed light on this issue.

Mercedes-Benz GenH2

At the IAA in Hannover in September 2022, the prototype of the Mercedes-Benz GenH2 truck was exhibited and, in addition, tests were carried out with customers selected by the brand. At that time, green hydrogen obtained from the Shell station near the fairgrounds was used to observe the vehicle’s operation.

Months later, in November 2022, Daimler Trucks conducted more extensive testing of its hydrogen-powered trucks on public roads, at high altitude and fully loaded.

The hydrogen truck successfully crossed the Brenner Pass, which is one of Europe’s main freight arteries. Daimler is working to demonstrate the viability of the Mercedes-Benz GenH2 and is aiming for a range of more than 1,000 kilometers.

So far, the tests have yielded several conclusions. First, that the performance is comparable to that of a conventional diesel truck. Secondly, that the truck using liquid hydrogen has a longer range than those using gaseous hydrogen. The reason for this last characteristic is that liquid hydrogen has a higher energy density, relative to volume, than gaseous hydrogen. And so trucks using liquid hydrogen do not have to be refueled as frequently.

Among Daimler Trucks’ objectives is to continue to conduct further tests in mountainous terrain during 2023, with the aim of improving its trucks and starting series production as soon as possible.

Ocean’: Toyota innovation

Toyota’s North American subsidiary has developed, together with the US-based Kenworth Truck Company, an electric truck powered by hydrogen fuel cells. The truck is a Class 8 T680 FCEV based on the Toyota-Kenworth T680 FCEF truck.

The results have shown that this system is comparable in terms of efficiency and range to diesel engines. It was found that it achieved a range of almost 500 kilometers with a full tank and a full load without refueling.

Thus, there are indications that this new technology can replace fossil fuels in trucks and, in this way, achieve the objectives in the fight against climate change and pollution.

The ‘Keyou’ truck

German company Keyou has converted a combustion engine of an 18-ton truck to use hydrogen as fuel instead of diesel. Behind this project is the former BMW engineer, who has experience in R&D projects to use hydrogen in BMW cars.

In addition, Keyou announces total costs close to those of diesel, with a useful life of more than 700,000 kilometers and a range of 500 kilometers, all without CO2 emissions.

Nikola’s trucks

While in the case of cars, efforts are focused on battery electric vehicles, the use of hydrogen fuel cells seems to be increasingly gaining ground in freight transport.

However, hydrogen still faces a number of challenges, from production to storage. To meet these challenges, Nikola is proposing a possible solution to this problem: mobile hydrogen generators capable of refueling other fuel cell vehicles.

In this way, Nikola has announced a hydrogen truck that feeds other fuel cell industrial vehicles thanks to a mobile hydrogen feeder.


The latest projects and studies seem to indicate that the use of hydrogen fuel cells is a good alternative to the use of fossil fuels, as they maintain their efficiency and autonomy. However, there are still barriers in terms of production, storage, logistics and infrastructure.

Firstly, for hydrogen to be an environmentally friendly solution, it must be green hydrogen, i.e., produced from renewable energy, which is rare.

On the other hand, there are limitations in terms of distribution and storage of hydrogen, because it is a highly flammable gas with a very low density.

Finally, there is the problem of logistics, since hydrogen refueling sites would have to be created every 100 km. In addition, everything seems to indicate that refueling time would be longer than for diesel. The latter could delay the delivery of goods and lead to the need for a larger fleet to carry out the journeys.

In conclusion, we are getting closer and closer to the changeover, but we must continue to work on minimizing the drawbacks. The main objective is to make transportation as sustainable as possible in the future, without losing efficiency or vehicle autonomy along the way.

Do you want to keep up to date with all the news in the sector? Enter our blog and don’t miss our articles… #BecomeExpert with Monedero!

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Vehicles in the transport of goods

Discover which vehicles are used in the transport of goods, as well as their main characteristics… And become an #ExpertoMonedero!

Light vehicles, heavy vehicles -commercial and passenger cars-, special and agricultural vehicles… among others! We are sure that on more than one occasion you have doubted when classifying them, as it is sometimes difficult to differentiate them and remember which characteristics define them.

In this post we will focus on the types of vehicles used for the transport of goods and we will talk about their characteristics and functions. Are you interested? read on!

What they are, types and classification

Vehicles used to transport goods have an engine and at least four wheels. In addition, they can be of different types and have different characteristics. They can be light or heavy vehicles -depending on their load- and are: the truck, the van, the van, the vehicle derived from the passenger car and the adaptable mixed vehicle.

Before advancing in the article, it is important to remember what a light vehicle and a heavy vehicle are. The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda defines them as follows (2023):

  • Light vehicle: “A motor vehicle specially equipped for the transport of goods whose maximum authorized weight does not exceed 6 tons, or which, even when exceeding this weight, has a payload capacity not exceeding 3.5 tons”.
  • Heavy vehicle: “It is a motor vehicle specially equipped for the transport of goods whose maximum authorized weight exceeds 6 tons and whose payload capacity exceeds 3.5 tons. Tractor units shall be considered as heavy vehicles when they have a towing capacity of more than 3.5 tons of load”.


Vehicles for the transport of goods are classified in CATEGORY N, which includes vans and trucks. These are motor vehicles specially designed and manufactured for the transport of goods by land.

Thus, the classification they receive according to their weight is as follows:

  • N1. With Maximum Authorized Mass (MA)M of 3,500 kg -including fuel, driver, passengers and merchandise-.
  • N2. With MAM between 3,500 and 12,000 kg.
  • N3. Over 12,000 kg.

In addition, it should be mentioned that the category corresponding to trucks that use both trailers and semi-trailers is CATEGORY O. However, on this occasion, we will not emphasize these, even though they can also transport goods, since trailers and semi-trailers do not have an engine.

Truck MAM

Among its characteristics we can highlight that it has a cabin with a capacity of up to 9 seats, which is not integrated in the rest of the bodywork. Depending on their load, they can be classified as N1, N2 or N3 and can be light or heavy vehicles.

Depending on their structure, trucks can be rigid, articulated, road train and mega-trucks. Thus, depending on the type of goods they transport, we can speak of canvas trucks, open platform trucks, refrigerated trucks, heat trucks, tank trucks, closed trucks, car carriers and cage trucks.


It is a four-wheeled automobile whose cab is integrated into the rest of the bodywork, unlike the previous truck. It is intended for the transport of goods and can be a light or heavy vehicle, depending on its load.

Vans have a rigid separator made of sheet metal, which divides the part where the goods are housed from that of the seats. Removing the separator is considered a major reform in this type of vehicle, so it must be considered by a specialist to avoid accidents or problems due to the load.

Inside these vehicles there can be no bolted furniture and all cargo has to be secured with pulleys to avoid unforeseen events.

Examples of vans or vans for goods transport: refrigerated or isothermal vans, delivery vans, parcel vans, etc.

Tourism derivate

This motor vehicle is derived from the passenger car, of which it retains the bodywork, but is intended for the transport of goods. Thus, it should be noted that it has a single row of seats.

The vehicle derived from the passenger car has a separation panel between the load and the seats, the rear part being exclusively for the transport of material or goods.

Adaptable mixed vehicle

This type of vehicle is prepared for the transport of goods and people, either simultaneously or not, although they must be properly separated from each other by a safety grille when carrying the load.

The safety grille must be easy to put on and take off and it is not compulsory to wear it when going for the ITV inspection. In addition to this, the load must always be secured with straps to avoid unforeseen events or accidents.

The vehicle can only carry a maximum of 9 people, including the driver. Thus, it should be noted that in this vehicle it is possible to replace the load, either partially or totally, by people, by adding a seat.

Did you like this article and are you interested in learning more about the different types of vehicles that exist? Don’t miss any of our blog posts and learn with #EquipoMonedero!

Monedero, closer than ever, close as always





The aftermarket sector is boomming

The spare parts distribution grew 15% in the first quarter of 20

The National Association of Equipment, Parts and Accessories Dealers (ANCERA) highlights in its survey of the first quarter of 2023 the significant increase in independent parts distribution. In addition, the report highlights that around 95% of the spare parts dealers have reported to the association to have increased their sales during that period.

This is positive news for a sector that is currently being affected by the shortage of raw materials, rising energy and logistics costs, as well as the war in Ukraine. These factors are causing a lot of uncertainty in the aftermarket.

Do you want to know all the news in the aftermarket sector? Don’t miss our post and become an #ExpertoMonedero!

What is aftermarket?

First of all, a clear and concise definition of the term aftermarket should be provided, as sometimes even professionals may have doubts about what it covers.

The term aftermarket refers to the secondary market for vehicle parts and accessories. This sector covers everything from the manufacture and installation of components to their distribution and sale.

Thanks to it, vehicle owners can maintain and customize their cars with high quality parts, but at a more economical price than that of the original car manufacturers.

Now that you know what the aftermarket is and what it comprises, you may wonder… What are the short and medium-term prospects? Read on!


As we highlighted at the beginning of this post, spare parts distribution grew by 15% during the first quarter of 2023. Likewise, all forecasts seem to indicate that this growth will continue throughout 2023, but in a much more moderate way.

The ANCERA study forecasts that the sector will grow by 8% during the second quarter and end the year with an increase of 7%. However, these figures can only be confirmed once this period has elapsed. Even so, everything seems to indicate that 2023 will be positive for the aftermarket sector.

During the meeting held at the end of March by the Spare Parts Commission of the Spanish Association of Automotive Suppliers (SERNAUTO), the trends and opportunities in the aftermarket sector were analyzed. At the meeting, Harpreet Singh, partner of L.E.K. Consulting, presented the trends affecting the aftermarket in the medium and long term.

According to Harpreet Singh, the following factors could be decisive for the coming months in this market:

  1. The penetration of electric vehicles and Advanced Driving Assistance Systems (ADAS).
  2. The rise of connectivity.
  3. The change in consumer preferences.

In turn, during the workshop held at the SERNAUTO meeting, other trends for the aftermarket were analyzed such as:

4. Synthetic fuels.
5. Distribution through e-commerce platforms.
6. The importance and need for training as a tool for brand positioning in workshops.

Will these macro trends be implemented? Everything seems to point to yes, however, due to the uncertainty in the aftermarket, the business opportunities proposed for the medium term are being reconsidered for the long term.

As we mentioned at the beginning of this blog, the aftermarket sector is suffering great uncertainty due to several factors such as the shortage of raw materials, the increase in energy and logistics costs, as well as the war in Ukraine.

Where we come from?

But… What factors and trends have led us to the current situation in the aftermarket world? The McKinsey report, announced in 2017 what would be the trends for the coming years in the sector, which have been (and will continue to be) fulfilled in the medium term. These are:

  • The rise of the Asian market, which is characterized by rapid development and very competitive prices.
  • The importance of connectivity and data exchange.
  • Independent after-sales. Increasingly, manufacturers are working towards having their own independent distribution networks.
  • Increase in online services. Thanks to the development of new technologies, companies in the sector can offer their services through digital channels, streamlining processes.
  • Increased price competitiveness, due to the growth of the sector and the development of business in Asia, a country that offers very competitive prices.


Everything seems to indicate that the growth of the first quarter will continue throughout the year, albeit more slowly.

Thus, the macro trends that will affect the distribution of spare parts have been analyzed and it has been possible to foresee that there will be a slowdown of these due to the situation of uncertainty that the sector is suffering.

Do you want to keep learning with #ACMonedero? Don’t miss our blog! The #ACMonederoTeam is composed of a large number of experts in the automotive sector… We will inform you of the latest news!

Monedero, makes you go far






New cylinder heads for Caterpillar C18, C15 and C12

Monedero cylinder heads are of the highest quality and are available at a more affordable price than the originals.

The Caterpillar C18, C15 and C12 cylinder heads are one of the most demanded by the market. For this reason, Monedero has been working to develop their equivalents, with the aim of offering components of the highest quality, but at a much more competitive price.

In this post you will find all the information about these: equivalents, application in vehicles, the countries where they are most sold… Are you interested? Don’t miss this article!

The Caterpillar brand

Nearly 100 years of experience attest to the quality of the Caterpillar brand. It is the world’s leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, diesel and natural gas engines for construction trucks, industrial gas turbines and diesel and electric locomotives.

Caterpillar is committed to sustainability and innovation, a commitment that extends to its own organization, working for social responsibility and improving the quality of life.

In terms of vehicles and components, the U.S. company offers hydraulic excavators, crawler tractors, wheel loaders, soil compactors, motor graders, paving products, medium and large diesel engines and electric power units.

Want to learn more about Caterpillar products, read on!


Monedero has developed, through reverse engineering processes, Caterpillar C18, C15 and C12 application cylinder heads, which are highly demanded by the market.

In addition, in the b2b web platform of Auto Comercial Monedero you can find the Caterpillar C18, C15 and C12 application cylinder heads both in their bare and complete version -assembled in our own facilities-.


  • The Caterpillar C18 cylinder head has the following references: 22012000016 for the naked version and 22012100001 for the complete one. These are equivalent to the original part number.
  • The Caterpillar C15 application cylinder head has these part numbers: 22012000015 for the naked version and 22012100002 for the complete version. Both are equivalent to the original part numbers 2454324 | 2811640 | 2811640 | 2811640 | 2811640 | 2811640 | 2811640 | 2811640.
  • The Caterpillar C12 application cylinder head has as part numbers: 22012000017 for the bare version and 22012100004 for the complete version. These are equivalent to the original part numbers 0R8883 | 10R8884 | 1323208 | 1482133 | 1482144 | 1482145 | 2166951.

They apply to C18, C15 and C12 engine types respectively. These cylinder heads manufactured by Monedero are designed for industrial diesel engines with application on Caterpillar machinery or engines.


Caterpillar C18 engines are indicated for mechanical earth drilling applications, due to their power. Here we could highlight the Caterpillar MD600 Drill, ideal for application in mining, quarrying and heavy construction works.

Thus, Caterpillar C15 engines has a wide application in various industries such as agriculture (agricultural tractors, harvesters, irrigation equipment), construction (cranes, paving and transport equipment, shovels and draglines), mining, etc. Thus, this engine is one of the most popular and versatile of the brand.

As in the previous case, Caterpillar C12 engines can be used in various industries. Among these, the Cat C12 marine propulsion diesel engine brand stands out, which, thanks to its technology, becomes a high-performance ecological engine and allows excellent fuel economy. As a curiosity, it is worth mentioning that this type of engine can also be applied to recreational or commercial vessels.


Regarding the application of C18, C15 and C12 engines in trucks, we can find a great variety of brands and models. All of them are especially used in the United States where they have a great importance in the automotive sector. In the following, we will name some of the examples of application in the most popular trucks of the sector.

Kenworth W900 TurboMs Cat C18

Cat C18 engines are used in Kenworth trucks, which are mainly used in Mexico, where they are manufactured, and in the United States. One of the models that uses this engine is the Kenworth W900 TurboMS. The Kenworth W900 models are a true trucking legend, since their creation in the 1960s, they have occupied a very privileged place in the lives of U.S. and Mexican haulers.

The Kenworth W900 model is the favorite of North American trucks drivers. For this reason, it has been impossible to withdraw it from the market, despite the company’s efforts to offer the most updated versions. Thus, it has been decided not to completely end its production, but to do so in limited units.



Kenwoorth W900 truck, 100th Anniversary Special Edition/ Source:, 2023
Kenwoorth W900 truck, 100th Anniversary Special Edition/ Source:, 2023

Kenworth T600 6NZ Cat C15

The Cat C15 engine is also widely used in Kenworth trucks. One of the best known models in which it is used is the Kenworth T600, which is one of the most popular models among Americans.

The Kenworth T600 began to be manufactured during the 80’s, representing a breakthrough for the industry as it became the first aerodynamic model. Among its advantages, it can be highlighted that, due to its sloping hood, it was 22% more fuel efficient than those with conventional straight hoods.

In 1994, this model received the National Award for the Advancement of Motor Vehicle Research and Development from the U.S. Department of Transportation. This award recognized the T600’s advances in safety, energy savings and reduced environmental impact.

In the wake of this truck, the company has developed new versions such as the acclaimed T680, T680 FCEV and T680E.

Kenworth T680 truck, modern version of the T600/ Fuente:, 2023
Kenworth T680 truck, modern version of the T600/ Fuente:, 2023

Kenworth T800

The Cat C12 engine is used in a wide variety of brands, among which Kenworth stands out with its T800 model. This truck is particularly strong, versatile and durable, capable of coping with any demands, ideal for transporting goods over long distances.

Innovative technology and advanced manufacturing processes provide lightweight and fuel-efficient designs, which translates into lower costs for the owner.

Kentworth T800 Truck/ Source:, 2023
Kentworth T800 Truck/ Source:, 2023

Mechanical drilling machinery

As mentioned in the previous sections, Kenworth trucks are used especially in the United States and Mexico, but not on the European continent.

Thus, in Europe, the C18, C15 and C12 cylinder heads are used applied to their respective engines in mechanical drilling, agriculture, mining, forestry, etc. machines.

In the following, we will talk about one of the most modern and powerful drilling machines of the Caterpillar brand, which uses the C18 engine.


MD6200 Drill

The new MD6200 drill is designed to offer maximum efficiency in bench drilling from 10 to 12 meters, standing out because it allows the application of the drilling angle for blasting with augers. This makes it the ideal drill for mining, quarrying or heavy construction applications.

Among the advantages of the MD6200 drill is that it occupies a much smaller transport space than similar drills in its category, which means that it can be transported by road with the mast installed. Its compact design allows it to be moved more easily and quickly, reducing travel time between holes.

In addition, it withstands the most demanding working conditions and is optimized for single-pass drilling.

In short, the MD6200 drill is more maneuverable and efficient than its class, while retaining more power than its class peers.

Caterpillar MD6200 drill/ Source:, 2023
Caterpillar MD6200 drill/ Source:, 2023

B2B web platform

Auto Comercial Monedero has developed a b2b web platform through which you can make queries and obtain personalized technical assistance.

In addition, you have the possibility to perform advanced searches -both by name and by original and OEM reference-, check stock, see the status of your orders in real time and download invoices and delivery notes.

Did you know all its advantages? If you are interested in its functions and want to know how to use them you can read the post “Learn how to use our b2b web platform” and become an #ExpertoMondero.

On the b2b website you will find more than 1 million references among which you can find the Caterpillar C18, C15 and C2 Monedero cylinder heads that we have talked about in this post. What are you waiting for, come in, register and enjoy all its advantages!

Monedero, Your trust makes us move forward

Types of engine pumps for heavy industrial vehicles

In this post we explain the different pumps that you can find in the engine of your industrial vehicle or truck, as well as their functions and some possible breakdowns.

The world of mechanics is very wide, because the automotive sector is constantly evolving as new products and innovations are constantly being introduced. Therefore, if you work in this sector, you must be continuously training.

In this post we will delve into one of the vital components for commercial vehicle engines: pumps. If you want to know the types that exist and the breakdowns that can arise… this is your article!

In #ACMonedero we are experts in the automotive sector and the #EquipoMonedero is here to solve your doubts… Keep reading and become an expert!

Types of pumps

In this post we will focus on the different types of pumps used in a industrial vehicle engine, their functions and the breakdowns they can suffer. It is important to specify this because not all vehicles have the same types of pumps in their engines.

In a industrial vehicle engine we will find: the oil pump, the water pump, the injection pump (in the engine), the AdBlue pump and the clutch pump.

Oil pump

The oil pump is responsible for lubricating all the internal parts of an engine. Due to its importance, manufacturers strive to ensure that they are long-lasting to avoid breakdowns, so it is quite difficult for them to fail.

Even so, it is important to emphasize that, in order to help it function correctly, it is vital to always maintain the correct oil level.

Oil pump with reference 20016000007
Oil pump with reference 20016000007

Water pump

The water pump, also known as antifreeze pump, circulates the antifreeze in the engine. A failure in the water pump would lead to excessive heating of the engine of our vehicle. In the most serious cases, this would result in engine failure due to overheating.

Water pump with reference 10016100009
Water pump with reference 10016100009

Injection pump (on engine)

The electronic air injection pump is responsible for sending air to the injection system. If this part suffers a failure it would manifest very noticeable symptoms, because the vehicle would start to shudder and would give error in the system or V2.

Injection pump with reference 0445010104
Injection pump with reference 0445010104

Hydraulic pump

The hydraulic pump is responsible for keeping the steering wheel steering “smooth”. If this component were to fail, the driver would quickly notice it, because there would be a lot of noise when turning the steering wheel. In the most severe cases, the steering wheel could even become stiff and the steering wheel would become immobile, making it impossible to move.

Bomba de hidráulica con ref. R902230086
Hydraulic pump with ref. R902230086

AdBlue pump

The AdBlue pump is a device in the anti-pollution system that is responsible for administering the AdBlue additive to the exhaust gases to ensure compliance with the European Euro6 pollution standard.

When this pump malfunctions, a fault code can be displayed on the light display. The consequences can be diverse, but the most common is that the vehicle expels too many polluting fumes to the outside. This, in turn, could result in a penalty for non-compliance with European regulations.

AdBlue pump with reference 0444010025
AdBlue pump with reference 0444010025

Clutch pump

The clutch pump is located in the clutch pedal system and is responsible for making the clutch pedal “smoother” and therefore easier to shift gears.

If the clutch pump malfunctions, this can cause problems when shifting gears. Feeling the clutch pedal slack and hearing an unusual noise in the engine are some of the indications that something is wrong with your clutch pump.

To avoid premature wear of the clutch pump, some measures should be taken such as shifting gears smoothly, not leaving the clutch halfway in and avoiding frequent acceleration of the engine.

Clutch pump with reference 0986486043
Clutch pump with reference 0986486043
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B2b web platform

On Monedero’s new b2b web platform you will be able to find more than 1 million references, as well as get personalized technical assistance in real time.

If you need any of the components for your commercial vehicle engine that we have talked about in this post… you can find them in our b2b! What are you waiting for to register?

Do you want to keep learning with Monedero? Don’t miss our blog and… Become an expert!
Monedero, closer than ever, close as always

Crankshaft OM471LA Mercedes Benz application

Monedero launched the crankshaft in 2021 and since then it has become one of the brand’s TOP products.

Crankshaft OM471LA

In 2021, Monedero launched a first version of the OM471LA crankshaft, a product in high demand in the aftermarket. Until then, no aftermarket company could offer an alternative to the original references, which was really up to customers’ requirements.

Monedero, through reverse engineering processes, uses exhaustive analysis to ensure the highest quality and efficiency of its products. The objective is to provide its customers with new launches and exclusive references with the quality of the original parts, but at a very competitive price.

For these reasons, and through collaboration with OEM manufacturers, the best alternative to the original Mercedes crankshaft was launched on the market. The launch was a complete success, becoming today one of the TOP products of the Monedero brand; being one of the most sold references in the year 2022.

Equivalent references

The reference OM471LA crankshaft coin box is 10011000051. This is equivalent to the original Mercedes Benz references: A4710300101, A47110300201 and A4710300401.

The engine types in which the crankshaft can be applied are: 471900, 471902, 471906, 471909, 471919, 471922, 471926, 471937, 471944, 471945, 471946, 471951 and 471961.

Finally, it should be noted that the OM471LA crankshaft for Mercedes Benz application can be mounted on the following vehicles: Actros MP4/5, Arocs and Antos… Want to know more about them? Here’s why they are so special!

Mercedes Benz Actros truck

The OM471LA crankshaft for Mercedes Benz application is compatible with Actros MP4/5 trucks, the latest versions of the classic Astro heavy truck series.

The first model was launched in 1996, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of Daimler’s first truck. Its success has been such that, over the years, the model has endured and new versions of it have been launched, in line with new market needs.

Over the past 27 years, the truck series has won numerous awards, with each generation of Actros being named International Truck of the Year. In this way, it has become the truck series that has received this distinction the most.

Today, the five generations of Actros are an example in the truck industry, because they have set a benchmark in the development of electronic, efficient and modern trucks.

The OM471LA crankshaft can be mounted on the MP4 and MP5 series, which represented a radical change with respect to the previous series. These trucks incorporated more innovative designs, which established the basis for the design of these trucks. They inspired the entire truck program of the brand during the following years.


Truck Actros Mercedes Benz/ Source: Mercedes Benz Trucks (2023)
Truck Actros Mercedes Benz/ Source: Mercedes Benz Trucks (2023)

The Arocs truck: the intelligent power for the construction industry

Arocs trucks are specially designed for construction because they are robust and resistant to any challenge. Thus, this model is the ideal one to meet all needs in construction traffic.

Among its features, the following stand out:

  • Its robustness: it has an extraordinarily resistant structure, which combines with its forceful design.
  • Efficiency: it meets the highest quality standards, which translates into low fuel consumption, increasing transport efficiency.
  • Reliability: The trucks and their components have been tested in advance, taking into account the climatic and topographical conditions at the place of regular use. This guarantees the reliability of the vehicles, even under extreme conditions.
Truck Arocs Mercedes Benz / Source: Mercedes Benz Trucks (2023)
Truck Arocs Mercedes Benz / Source: Mercedes Benz Trucks (2023)

B2B web platform

We remind you that the B2B web platform of Auto Comercial Monedero offers you more than 1 million references. Here you can consult both the price and the technical characteristics of the products you need. In addition, you will be able to contact a specialized technician who will solve all your doubts and guide you through the purchase process, if necessary.

What are you waiting for to use it? Follow these simple steps that we explain below and benefit from all its advantages:

  1. Register in our online store and fill in the data sheet.
  2. Add the products you need to the cart.
  3. Choose the payment method you prefer.
  4. You are done! Soon you will receive your order.

Through our B2B web platform you can purchase the OM471 crankshaft and… many more products! Sign up and discover the #UniverseMonedero.

Monedero, as close as ever, as close as ever.




The success of the D2066/2676 cylinder head MAN application by Monedero

The stock has become one of Monedero’s star products, and we tell you why.

The D2066/2676 cylinder head for MAN applications by Monedero was launched on the market in 2019 and since then it has been one of the brand’s most successful products.

In this post you will find information about its development, equivalences and application in vehicles… Do you want to know more? Keep reading!

How did it develop?

Monedero develops its products with first team quality, through “Joint Venture” agreements with the most representative international manufacturers.

This favours the continuous growth of the company, as well as its evolution, because it provides customers with new launches and exclusive references in engine spare parts of the highest quality.

Monedero invests in reverse engineering for the development of its products. During the reverse engineering process, Monedero uses exhaustive analysis to ensure that the product will be of unrivalled quality: even better than the original brands, and at a very competitive price.

Thus, the contract for its development was signed in July 2018 and the following year, in 2019, it was scheduled for commercialisation and launch.

The surprise for the team was imminent: by the end of 2019, the investment made in the project had already been recouped. The cylinder head had been a success!


The D2066/2676 cylinder head for MAN applications marked a before and after in the developments of the Monedero brand.

Monedero, in its eagerness to offer products of the highest quality, managed to improve one of the most demanded parts in the market and sell it at a very competitive price, much cheaper than its equivalents.

If we had to define the D2066/2676 cylinder head for MAN applications in 3 words, we would say quality, efficiency and competitiveness… Which are what have helped us to achieve success!


In Auto Comercial Monedero you will find both the naked and the complete version of the cylinder head (assembled in the brand’s own facilities). Both have the following references: 20012000012 (naked) and 20012100001 (assembled) for Euro II – V version and 20012000020 (naked) and 20012100015 (complete) for Euro 6 version.

These are equivalent to the original part numbers: 51031006079, 51031006170, 51031006195, 51031006289, 51031006299, 51031006315, 51031006957, 51031006358, 51031006369, 51031006408, 51031006409, 51031006423, 51031006424, 51031006424, 51031006426, 51031006427, 51031006508.

It applies to engine type D2066/2676 and is used on numerous vehicles, including the MAN TGS and MAN TGX.

Application in vehicles

The D2066/2676 cylinder head for MAN applications developed by Monedero can be used in numerous vehicles such as the MAN TGS and TGX, among others.

In the following, we will talk about the characteristics of the vehicles that use this cylinder head, in order to learn a little more about it and its application

MAN TGS, challenging the limits

The TGS truck is one of the most highly praised trucks by transport specialists thanks to its powerful features… In this truck the driver has top priority!

The most outstanding features of the TGS truck are:

  • Ergonomic cab: central, non-slip access, with back-friendly seats – no terrain is too difficult for you!
  • Easy operation on any terrain: thanks to the MAN SmartSelect rotary pushbutton, MAN EasyControl door buttons and the MAN OptiView mirror replacement system.
  • Ample space: for the driver to relax and rest.
  • Increased payload: its powertrain has a payload bonus, which translates into superior performance.
  • Efficient maintenance: customised service packages and optimised maintenance intervals.
  • Efficient and robust: reduced weight and reinforced cab structure, meeting new accident safety requirements.
  • Reliability and safety: intelligent systems support the driver wherever he is.
  • Reduced downtime.

MAN TGX, success over long distances

MAN’s TGX truck has been highlighted on numerous occasions as one of the best on the market. Moreover, it was the best-selling truck in Spain in March, which reveals the possible demand for MAN cylinder heads D2066/2676.

Among its features we can highlight:

  • First-class cabin: ergonomic and intuitive.
  • Comfortable sleeping area: comfortable berth, ample storage space and modern infotainment.
  • Impressive design due to sharp contours.
  • Pre-installation for alcohol breathalyser.
  • Driver-oriented control panel.
  • Gearshift control: allows convenient selection of driving program and gear.
  • Multifunction leather steering wheel.
  • Electric parking brake: can be activated manually, but is automatically activated when the vehicle is parked. It is also automatically released when the truck is started.
  • Tyre pressure monitoring system with temperature indicator, which means more driving safety.
  • Reversing motion system: camera fitted as standard to the rear of vehicles without a trailer, allowing the driver to see what is happening behind the truck.
  • Fifth wheel with sensor.
  • Traffic sign recognition: these are detected by the video camera in the windscreen and displayed on the screen.

B2B web platform

Monedero has developed a B2B web platform where you can find more than 1 million references. Through it, you can consult the products you need, as well as their technical characteristics.

The search engine allows you to search by product name, as well as by original and OEM reference number… It’s very simple!

How to use it? Follow the steps below.

  1. Register in our online shop and fill in the technical data sheet.
  2. Fill the shopping cart with the products you want.
  3. Choose your payment method.
  4. Soon you will receive your products!

Remember that through the B2B web platform of Monedero you can purchase the D2066/2676 cylinder head for MAN application and… many more products! What are you waiting for? Come in, register and take a look at all our products.

Monedero, we have what it takes to make you go far.

Did you know that Monedero is an official Bosch distributor?

We can offer you a wide range of spare parts for commercial, light and passenger vehicles, as well as diagnostic equipment.

In 2021, Auto Comercial Monedero became an official distributor of Bosch, supplier and world leader in technology and services.

Currently, practically all vehicles in the world use Bosch technology, thanks to its more than 125 years of innovative spirit, research, manufacturing and experience.

The brand’s values, which have helped it to reaffirm its position in the market over the years, are particularly noteworthy:

  1. Focus on results.
  2. Responsibility and sustainability.
  3. Initiative and determination.
  4. Openness and trust.
  5. Honraded.
  6. Reliability, credibility and legality.
  7. Diversity.

125 years of history

Bosch is synonymous with innovation. The company was founded in 1886 by Robert Bosch, who was committed to manufacturing the best and guided by the principle of honest work. This has helped the company to ensure that, 125 years after its founding, its products are still identified with the highest quality, perfection and reliability.

Bosch is also known for its humanity and social commitment, as they always kept in mind the words of their founder: “Never forget your humanity and respect human dignity in your dealings with others.

Official distributors

As we mentioned at the beginning of this post, Auto Comercial Monedero is an official Bosch distributor since 2021.

Thanks to this, Monedero offers a wide range of Bosch spare parts for industrial, light and tourism vehicles. Among these we can highlight diesel systems, starter motors and alternators, steering systems (steering boxes and steering pumps) and filters (air, oil, fuel, cabin, air dryers, denox and other special filters).

In addition, at Auto Comercial Monedero we are specialists in the repair of Bosch (RB-Servocom) steering boxes and we have a steering laboratory that allows us to repair steering boxes.

In turn, Monedero provides diagnostic equipment and software KTS and ESI [tronic] 2.0 Truck, providing a complete solution for the diagnosis of vans, trucks, trailers, buses and public works, agricultural.

However, that is not the end of what we can offer you. It should be noted that, being an official distributor, Auto Comercial Monedero can carry out collaboration models and commercial figures. This means that any workshop or establishment that is interested can obtain the following Collaboration Agreements: Bosch Collaborating Workshop or Bosch Auto Centers through Auto Comercial Monedero.

But… What are the benefits you can get from it?

  • Bonus on your Bosch spare parts purchases, through a fixed scale for consumption.
  • Accessibility to all services: training, assistance and technical support.
  • Exclusive access to promotions, news and new product launches.

Bosch Products

In our new b2b web platform you will find more than 50,000 Bosch brand references. In addition, you will be able to consult the technical data sheet of the products and their price, as well as obtain personalized technical assistance from our specialists.

If you want to know how to register on our b2b web platform, follow the steps below!

  1. Register in our online store and fill in the technical data sheet.
  2. Add the products you need to the shopping cart.
  3. Choose the payment method you prefer.
  4. You have placed your order! You will receive it soon.

You already know it! Enter our B2B web platform, register and take a look at the Bosch references.

Monedero, we make you go far.


Auto Comercial Monedero is a partner of ZF Aftermarket and specializes in repair and diagnosis of systems and axles, which allows it to offer personalized technical advice to its customers.

Since its beginnings in 1998, Auto Comercial Monedero has specialized in the ZF brand, adapting the necessary resources to offer a high quality service. In this long trajectory of 25 years, Monedero has opted for total integration with the ZF brand, setting various objectives at a strategic level thanks to this alliance.

Thus, in 2017 it is designated ZF Service Partner in Spain, which has been a great success for the company. Moreover, this has allowed the company to achieve the established objectives: to increase competitiveness and position itself as a benchmark company at the national level within the industrial spare parts sector.

If you want to know what it means to be a Service Partner, as well as the advantages you enjoy… Keep reading and #BecomeExpert!

More than 100 years of ZF

The company was founded in 1895 as a family-owned mechanical engineering company. Over the years, ZF has taken advantage of its business opportunities and has developed and specialized to become a global technology and mobility company.

ZF Aftermarket owns brands and products of the highest quality. Thus, they always have the required OE-quality spare part at hand. Among the brands available are: ZF own brand, Lemförder, Sachs, TRW, Wabco and Boge.

Among the company’s values we can highlight its commitment to teamwork, passion, anticipation, diversity, empowerment, commitment and responsibility… the #EquipoMonedero could not feel more identified with these values!

What does it mean to be a ZF Service Partner?

Being a ZF Service Partner means that you are a partner of ZF Aftermarket, specialized in repair and diagnostics of transmission and axle systems – find out what we can offer you!

  • We provide specialized technical advice, as we have access to official ZF programs such as Service Data Management (SDM), Service Line and Customer Connect.
  • We provide technical training from ZF, we can even come to your facilities!
  • We have a large stock of all ZF Group brands, with competitive prices.
  • We quickly find the references you want, because we have direct access to the online store, the catalog and, in addition, we are in contact with ZF Aftermarket.

ZF Products

Do you want to know some of the most relevant ZF products? Here you can find them with their reference, and you can see all the technical details on our B2B web platform!

Monedero’s new B2B web platform provides you with more than 100,000 ZF references. Through this platform, you can consult the reference you need and its technical details. Do you want to know how to do it? Don’t miss the steps below!

Log in to our B2B web platform, register and take a look at our ZF products.

Monedero, closer than ever, close as always


The new b2b web platform has 1 million references, full traceability of an order and personalized technical assistance in real time.

At Auto Comercial Monedero we teach you how to use our b2b web platform so that you can place your orders in a simple way. The platform is accessible, fast and effective, designed to offer the best user experience possible. Do you know its advantages? Are you interested? Read on and we will teach you how to use it thanks to 10 video tutorials.

Advantages of the b2b web platform

Do you already know all that Monedero has to offer? Get to know all the features of our platform:

  • Consultations: consult the reference you need wherever and whenever you want, thanks to our responsive and multilingual model.
  • Real-time personalized technical assistance: if you have any questions, contact our experts by phone or chat!
  • Advanced search: our b2b search engine allows you to search by product name, as well as by original and OEM reference.
  • Stock: check the availability of the products you need. In addition, if any product is not available, you will know the approximate date of arrival at our facilities.
  • Order automation: you have the possibility of making a massive load of references in an Excel file to carry out your purchase.
  • Complete traceability: know the status of your orders in real time.
  • Invoices and delivery notes: register and download all the invoices and delivery notes of your order history.

B2B in 10 videos

In our Youtube channel “Auto Comercial Monedero” you can find a complete playlist “Tutoriales web b2b | AC Monedero”, in which through 10 video tutorials, you can learn:

1. How to register in the new b2b

Access our corporate website and from there, click on the WEBSHOP button to access our B2B web platform and register. Then click on the padlock and then “Register” to create a new account. You will be redirected to a page where you will have to fill in your profile data and, once you have accepted the conditions… wait for us to contact you to activate your account!

2. How to search for references

Access the WEBSHOP, log in and enter the reference you are looking for in the search bar and click on the magnifying glass. Once you find your product, on the right side you will be able to see by means of icons if: it is available, in stock or not available. In addition, if you want a reference that is not in stock, you have the possibility to contact the #TeamMonedero.

If you want more information about a product, click on it and consult the model, measurements, price, availability and equivalent references, among other information.

3. How to use the advanced search engine

Access the WEBSHOP and log in. Click on the PRODUCTS button at the top of the screen and access the advanced product search. In the next step, select your search options from the different listings or use the search bars: application brand, category, product group and type/model. Then click on search and… you will be able to see the desired product!

4. How to place an order in b2b

First, go to the WEBSHOP and log in with your account. Then, enter the reference of the product you want to order, click on the magnifying glass to search, go to the product you want and add the quantity of the reference you want to buy. After that, click on the cart button to add the item to your shopping cart.

Once you have accessed the shopping cart, click “FINISH ORDER”, choose your shipping address and shipping method according to your preferences. Finally, select the payment method you want and accept the required terms, then select “ORDER WITH PAYMENT OBLIGATION”.

That’s it! You will receive an email with the confirmation and details of your order.



5. How to track your b2b order

The first thing to do is to access the WEBSHOP and log in. Click on the person icon, located at the top right, to go to your details. After that, a drop-down menu will open and you will have to click on “My orders”. You will then see a list of all orders placed to date, where you can check the status of each order.

In this window you will find all the information about your orders, but if you need more information, you can contact our team, we will be happy to assist you!

6. Manage my b2b documentation

Access the WEBSHOP and log in. Click on the icon of the person, located at the top right, to access your data. After this step, a drop-down menu will open and you will have to click on “My delivery notes”.

Then select the delivery note you want and click on the eye icon to view it. Then, on the delivery note you want, click on the document icon and you will be able to download it. The delivery note will then be downloaded to your device.

If, on the other hand, you wish to view or download your invoices, instead of going to “My delivery notes”, click on “My invoices” and repeat the process.

7. How to edit my b2b information

Access the WEBSHOP and log in. Click on the icon of the person, located at the top right, to access your data. Then, when the drop-down menu opens, click on “My personal data”.

Once you have done this, you will be able to edit the data you consider “profile data”, “addresses” and “coupons”. Make the changes and click save… that’s it!

8. Processing b2b returns and warranties

The first step is to go to the WEBSHOP and log in with your account. After that, you have to access your data. Therefore, click on the icon of the person, located at the top right. Then, a drop-down menu will open and you will have to click on “My guarantees” or “My returns”.

Once you have done this, you will be redirected to the “PROCEDURES” screen and you will have to select the button of the form you wish to fill in… it’s very simple, it will only take a few minutes!

Finally, press the “SEND” button after filling out the form and one of our team will contact you as soon as possible.

9. Real-time technical service

First, go to the WEBSHOP and log in. After that, click on the “Can we help you?” button at the bottom right to start the chat with one of our technicians. A chat window will then open for real-time personalized technical assistance where you can ask any questions you may have.

When you want to end the chat, click on the “X” in the upper right corner.

10. Automated ordering with Excel b2b

To get started, go to the WEBSHOP and log in with your account. Then click on the cart button at the top right to go to the shopping cart.

After that, click on the “MASS UPLOAD” button and select the file you want to upload. It is very important that: the file is in Excel format, the references are in the first column of the file and that no text or title is added. Then press the “SEND” button and that’s it! All the Excel references have been loaded into your shopping cart.

We hope these videos have helped you to learn how the Monedero b2b web platform works, now you just have to put it into practice!
Monedero, “Closer than ever, Close as always”.

Monedero launches new oil pans

Auto Comercial Monedero launches two new oil pans, compatible with Mercedes Benz and Scania brands.

The leading company in the automotive sector has developed two oil pans, references that are among the most demanded in the sector in recent months. One of them is for Mercedes Benz 0M936 application and the other for Scania D13-DC16 application.

Both have been developed and manufactured by #EquipoMonedero, under the strictest quality standards. Thus, offering a more economical price to customers compared to original parts.Interested? Read on for more information.

Mercedes Benz OM936 application

Auto Comercial Monedero has developed an oil pan for Mercedes Benz application, specifically for the OM936 engine and compatible with its versions: 935912, 935913, 935914, 935915, 935916, 936910, 936912, 936916, 936972 and 936973. Therefore, it can be applied to Actros, Atego and Arocs vehicles.

The reference is 10016300011 and the equivalent references to the Mercedes Benz originals are A9360102313 and A9360103713.

Mercedes Benz OM936 application oil pan/ Source: Auto Comercial Monedero (2023)
Mercedes Benz OM936 application oil pan/ Source: Auto Comercial Monedero (2023)

Application Scania D13-DC16

Another product developed by Auto Comercial Monedero is the Scania application oil pan, for the DC13 or DC16 engine.

This can be used in the P/G/R/T series trucks (since 2003) and trucks with the L/P/G/R/S series (since 2016).

The oil pan part number is 40016300001, the equivalent of the original Scania part numbers 2102851, 2840476, 2362030 and 2840476.

Scania DC13-DC16 oil pan application/ Source: Auto Comercial Monedero (2023)
Scania DC13-DC16 oil pan application/ Source: Auto Comercial Monedero (2023)

The oil pan

If you’re passionate about mechanics, you’ve probably wondered at some point what an oil pan is, what functions it has and what kind of breakdowns it could suffer. So… Keep reading and become an #ExpertoMonedero!

The oil pan is a sheet steel or aluminum alloy component, which is located under the crankshaft and connecting rods. It closes the engine block. This part has a concave shape, which is very useful for collecting the oil that lubricates the mechanical components in motion.

It is important to note that the oil sump is used in four-stroke engines. However, it is not present in two-stroke engines, because in these the oil is supplied together with the gasoline.


The oil sump has three main functions. Firstly, it collects the oil from the engine and ensures optimum lubrication of the vehicle’s moving parts. Subsequently, the oil is sucked by the oil pump and returns to the engine, repeating this process cyclically.

Secondly, the oil pan helps to cool the oil. This is vitally important, as it allows the oil to cool before repeating its path again, preventing overheating.

Finally, the oil pan is responsible for providing rigidity to the engine block. This is because the crankcase houses the connecting rods, pistons and crankshaft, preventing these parts from coming into contact with debris.

Possible failures

The oil pan must be of good quality and maintained in good condition, otherwise it may fail.

Due to its location in the lower part of the engine, it can suffer cracks or ruptures and, consequently, oil leaks. In addition, if it were to break, the engine could run out of lubricant and overheat due to the friction of the parts.

Another of the most common breakdowns is when the seals, which join it to the rest of the engine components, fail and leakage occurs.

It is also possible that, if the temperature of the oil increases excessively, gases may be produced, which would contribute to an increase in the pressure inside the oil pan and cause leaks. To avoid this, the most modern engines have a built-in depressurization or breathing valve.

Finally, it should be added that if it is not possible to remedy the faults described above, the crankcase should be replaced with a new one. Although this is a simple task, it must be carried out by a professional, because the bolts must have a specific tightening torque indicated by the manufacturer, and the gasket must be installed with precision. In this way, we will avoid problems in the engine and, consequently, in the vehicle.

B2B web platform

Monedero’s new B2B web platform has more than 1 million references. Through it, you can consult the references you need, since the search engine allows you to search both the product name and the original and OEM reference number.

How to use it? Follow the steps below:

  1. Register in our online store and fill in the data sheet.
  2. Fill the cart with the products you need.
  3. Choose the payment method that best suits you.
  4. And that’s it! You will receive it soon.


Through our B2B web platform you will be able to purchase our oil pans and… many more products! Come in, register and take a look.

Monedero, we have everything you need to make you go far.


Monedero improves the block for Scania DT12

Auto Comercial Monedero has developed a new version of Scania’s DT12 block with the purpose of increasing its strength and durability.

The leading company in the automotive sector has optimized one of the best-selling in its catalog, the Scania’s DT12 engine block. This new version is characterized by a new engine block cover, which softens the curvature of the previous version, increasing the resistance and life of the product!

The new release can be found on the Auto Comercial Monedero B2B web platform by searching for the Monedero reference number: 40010000001. This reference is equivalent to the original Scania references: 1424706, 1540323, 1851982, 2027585, 1425318, 1720096 and 2055383.

The new version of the block is compatible with Scania P/G/R/T series truck models, Irizar PB and Century buses, as well as Scania K/F/N series buses.

The bench cover

Scania’s first DT12 block was launched in 2018 and has been in constant evolution ever since. In the latest version, it debuts a new design of the engine bed cover, in which the curvature of previous models is softened, resulting in greater strength.

The engine main cover is one of the most relevant elements in the lubrication circuit. It is located just below the engine block, but always above the crankcase. The crankshaft is also located inside the part.

Among its functions, we can highlight the solidity it offers to the engine and the containment of the force generated by the crankshaft rotation. It also acts as a retaining wall for the oil.

Due to the important role it plays within the engine mechanism, it is of vital importance that it is resistant to avoid as much wear as possible due to the forces and high temperatures.

Although it is not usual, it can suffer breakdowns due to the passage of time or due to factory defects, such as the loss of liquids responsible for lubrication and cooling of the engine. This could lead to engine failure.

Difference of Scania DT12 block/ Source: Auto Comercial Monedero (2023)
Difference of Scania DT12 block/ Source: Auto Comercial Monedero (2023)



Continuous innovation

Auto Comercial Monedero was born in Motilla del Palancar in 1998, with the purpose of serving the automotive sector, providing the market with services and products with a high level of quality. Currently, the company develops, manufactures and distributes spare parts, being a reference in the sector and operating in more than 70 countries.

Its values include a commitment to quality, the environment, people’s wellbeing, as well as its commitment to R+D+i. Monedero is a symbol of quality, technology and excellence.

The company’s engineering department receives continuous training on cutting-edge issues in the sector, studying ways to improve products, processes and services. In addition, Auto Comercial Monedero collaborates with specialized entities in the sector. These help its professionals to improve in reverse engineering, which has a positive impact on product development, ensuring the Monedero guarantee.

Reverse engineering

Monedero has the best professionals specialized in reverse engineering, also known as retro-engineering. But… what exactly does this consist of?

Reverse engineering is a process that is carried out with the objective of obtaining information from the design of a product. Through its implementation, it is possible to determine which components make up the product, as well as the way in which they act with each other.

Through this process, Auto Comercial Monedero develops its own components based on the most requested products in the market, but at a much more competitive price.

Thanks to this process, the company is able to market its own brand of spare parts for engines, gearboxes and differentials. In this way, innovation and research play a fundamental role in Monedero’s strategy.

B2B web platform

Monedero has a new B2B web platform with more than 1 million references, complete traceability and personalized assistance in real time.

Through this, you can consult the references you need, since the search engine allows you to search both the name of the product and the original and OEM reference number.

How to do it? Follow these steps:

  1. Register in our online store and fill in the technical data sheet.
  2. Fill the cart with the products you need.
  3. Choose the payment method that suits you best.
  4. And that’s it! You will receive it soon.

Through our B2B web platform you can purchase our Scania DT12 application block and… many more products! Come in, register and take a look.

Monedero, we have what it takes to take you far.


Do you know the types of gearboxes?

Become an expert and master the characteristics, differences, advantages and disadvantages of the gearbox.

If you are an automechanics enthusiast, you have surely been interested in gearboxes at some point. You may wonder… Which one is better? What breakdowns can they cause depending on their typology?

Don’t worry because at Monedero we are experts in components for heavy and light commercial vehicles, special vehicles and buses. And in this section, we will tell you everything you need to know about one of the most important parts of your vehicle’s powertrain: the gearbox.


The gearbox

We know it is very important, but few people really know how it works or the wide variety of typologies, not to mention the advantages and disadvantages of each one!

We could define the gearbox as a system that takes care of transferring the engine torque to the driving wheels in an effective way. This means that the rotational speed of the engine is transcribed into different speeds for the wheels of the vehicle.

Gearbox types for trucks and buses

One might think that all vehicles can have the same types of gearboxes, but this is not the case. While it is common for buses, coaches and trucks to have a similar gearbox mechanism, in the case of passenger cars things are different.

For this reason, in this post we will talk exclusively about those used in trucks. These are: mechanical, automated and automatic.


·      Mechanical gearbox:

A truck with a manual gearbox requires the driver to change the gear ratio. This is done when the driver depresses the clutch and moves the gearshift in order to adapt the power of the truck to the speed at which it is traveling.

Therefore, they need the clutch pedal to disengage the truck from the gearbox. In this way, the motive power is disconnected with the gearbox. If this were not the case, when shifting gears, the pinions or synchromesh could break.

Today, it is still quite common for passenger cars and light vehicles to use manual gearboxes. However, when it comes to heavy vehicles, automated or automatic gearboxes are the most common. In recent years, automatic gearboxes have become very popular, due to all the advantages they offer… Do you want to know more? Keep on reading.

    • Advantages of the mechanical gearbox

Because there are still many more used manual gearboxes, it is easier to find a replacement if you do not want to buy a new one. Therefore, the buyer will have a wide range to choose from and the purchase is likely to be more economical.


    • Disadvantages of mechanical gearboxes

Mechanical gearboxes are prone to more breakdowns than automated and automatic gearboxes. Among the most common breakdowns we find the breakage of synchronizers.

The synchronizers are responsible for braking the shafts so that they do not wear out and break. This failure is a great danger, since it can cause that “the gear does not engage” or “a gear remains engaged” and cannot be removed. This could lead to more mechanical breakdowns and therefore a loss of safety for the driver and the truck driver.

Mechanical gearbox MERCEDES BENZ G155-G180
Mechanical gearbox MERCEDES BENZ G155-G180
  • Automated gearbox (also known as piloted or robotized):

The automated gearbox has a similar physical structure to the manual gearbox. However, it is controlled by a computer that makes gear changes possible without the driver’s intervention.

Automated gearboxes have an electro-pneumatic control unit that is responsible for carrying out the gear changes requested or programmed by the driver. This same control unit is responsible for clutch engagement and, therefore, there is no need to depress the clutch. As a curiosity, it should be noted that they do not have a clutch pedal, however, they do have an internal clutch managed by the electro-pneumatic control unit.

    • Advantages of the automated gearbox

What has it meant for a truck driver to switch from a manual to an automated gearbox? We have the answer: comfort and lightness.

Drivers no longer have to shift gears, so the truck shifts gears as needed, which makes driving easier and aids fuel management.

For example, when the truck is climbing a hill and is heavily loaded, it automatically downshifts one gear or even two gears at once. By not having to depress the clutch, the shifting time is reduced and therefore the truck does not miss a beat, it climbs with more power. This results in less strain on the engine and far fewer breakdowns than with manual gearboxes.

Automated gearbox ASTRONIC LITE 6AS1000
Automated gearbox ASTRONIC LITE 6AS1000


·        Automatic gearbox:

A truck with an automatic gearbox adapts the gears by itself. Automatic gearboxes are usually hydraulic, with hydraulic disc packs that are mechanically governed by pressure. However, the most modern ones operate electronically.

Among the advantages of this type of gearbox we find, mainly, comfort. Drivers do not need to be aware of adapting the gear to the speed, since they use only the accelerator and the brake, without the clutch.


    • Advantages of the automatic gearbox

Automatic gearboxes offer greater driving comfort. In addition, they break down much less than mechanical gearboxes and are nowadays, due to their popularity, readily available.

Moreover, contrary to popular belief, automatic gearboxes are not more dangerous than mechanical ones, nor can they lose control going downhill. They adapt to the required speed, braking (or using the intarder) when going downhill. Moreover, even without a clutch pedal, the driver can reduce speed with the brake.

Automatic gearbox ECOLIFE 6AP 17008B
Automatic gearbox ECOLIFE 6AP 17008B


In Auto Comercial Monedero we faithfully believe that information is power and that with it you are able to make better decisions. Let our experts advise you and you won’t miss anything. Thanks to the section of this blog you will learn everything you need to know about the automotive sector.

A little more about us…

Monedero has been serving the automotive sector for 25 years. Today, we operate in more than 70 countries, making us one of the benchmark companies in the automotive sector.

We are characterized by our commitment to quality and the environment, as well as our investment of resources in R+D+i.

One of our greatest strengths is our human resources. Our professionals are highly qualified and specialized in the automotive sector. Therefore, we are prepared to always offer you the best solution to your problems, thanks to our experience and knowledge in the market. In short: people, experience and know how.

Want to keep learning with Monedero? Read our blog and… Become an expert!
We have everything you need to take you far.


Vocational Training students visit Monedero!

The aim of the visit is to establish a relationship between the students and the company in order to bring the students closer to the world of work.

During last week the students of Vocational Training of IES Jorge Manrique visited the facilities of Auto Comercial Monedero.  The synergy between the two parties was created with the aim of bringing students closer to the world of work, encouraging them to enrol in Dual Vocational Training and encouraging them to carry out work experience in the company to boost their professional career.

La FP en Administración conocen los diferentes departamentos de AC Monedero y las funciones de estos- Fuente AC Monedero, 2023
Administration students discover the different departments of Monedero and their functions/ Source: AC Monedero (2023)

Practice makes perfect

The students of the Advanced Automotive and Bodywork and Painting Degree, as well as those of the Hybrid and Electric Specialisation Course, were very satisfied with the visit to the company’s facilities.  It should be noted that they showed special interest in those areas related to their educational field, such as the Workshop and the Technical Area.

Los alumnos de FP en Automoción conocen el taller de la mano de Jose Antonio Moratalla- AC Monedero, 2023
Automotive students learn about Monedero’s workshop from Jose Antonio Moratalla/ AC Monedero (2023)

José Antonio Moratalla, head of the workshop, explained to them the rebuilding and assembly verification department, which ensures the optimal functioning of the assemblies and a high degree of reliability.  As well as the facilities equipped with high-tech machinery, they were particularly impressed by the two test benches. In addition, they were able to use the machinery and tools in the workshop, putting into practice the knowledge acquired during the academic course.

La FP en Automoción pone en práctica sus conocimientos en las instalaciones de AC Monedero- Fuente AC Monedero, 2023
Automotive students put their knowledge into practice at the Monedero facilities/ Source AC Monedero (2023)

Visit to the facilities

For their part, the students of the Intermediate and Advanced Management Degrees enjoyed a complete tour of the company’s facilities.  Thus, they got to know in depth the company’s departments and, therefore, the positions they could apply for internships or for future employment. In addition, the heads of the different departments gave a talk about the daily workings of the company.

It should be noted that all the students were able to benefit from the advice given by Lucía Sahuquillo, head of Human Resources. She guided them on how to prepare a CV successfully, while she introduced them to the various platforms through which they can search for employment, such as Linkedin or Infojobs.

Finally, the visit ended at the logistics centre, where IES Jorge Manrique received the donation of a gearbox and a steering box by Monedero in collaboration with Recitruck.

La FP en Automoción recibe una donación por parte de AC Monedero y Recitruck- Fuente AC Monedero, 2023
Automotive vocational training receives a donation from Monedero and Recitruck/ Source: AC Monedero (2023)

Leader in the automotive sector

Auto Comercial Monedero was created with the aim of serving the automotive sector, providing the market with high quality services and products. Currently, the company develops, manufactures and distributes spare parts, being a reference in the sector and operating in more than 70 countries.

Its values include a commitment to quality, the environment, the well-being of people, as well as its commitment to R+D+i. Monedero is a symbol of quality, technology and excellence.


Monedero, we make you go far

New b2b web platform

Monedero presents its new b2b web platform with more than 1 million references, complete traceability and personalised technical assistance in real time.

Our new b2b web platform is designed to be more accessible, effective and faster in order to offer you the best possible user experience.

Here you have access to complete catalogues with more than 1 million references. In addition, if you register you will be able to enjoy a multitude of advantages.


Do you already know what we have to offer? Discover below all the functions available on our new platform:

  • Consultations: thanks to our responsive and multilingual model, you can consult the references you are interested in from any device and any place.
  • Advanced search: our search engine allows you to search by product name, original reference number and OEM.
  • Invoices and delivery notes: if you register you will be able to download all the invoices and delivery notes of your order history.
  • Full traceability: you will receive information on the status of your orders in real time.
  • Stock: you will be able to check the availability of the products you need and, if there is no stock, the approximate date of their arrival at our facilities.
  • Order automation: you will be able to carry out a massive loading of references in an Excel file to make your purchases, there are no more excuses for not placing your orders! So, register and don’t run out of the components you need.
  • Personalised technical assistance in real time: you will be able to contact us through our chat or by phone, our professionals will be happy to help you!
  • Special discounts: if you register you can enjoy special discounts on orders through our b2b web platform.

What are you waiting for? Enter our b2b web platform and enjoy everything we have to offer.

Monedero, “Closer than ever, Close as always”.

Monedero, official distributor of Reinz and Glaser

In our new Web & B2B platform you have access to the complete catalogue… Enter, register and discover everything we can offer you!

Both brands belong to the Dana Group, a world leader in the supply of highly engineered technologies, sealing and thermal management. Founded in 1904 and headquartered in Maumee, Ohio, it focuses primarily on three markets: passenger cars, commercial trucks, and off-road equipment.

Both Glaser and Victor Reinz are manufactured from the Aragonese plant, Dana Automoción, located in Zaragoza and created in 1964.


Plant in Dana Automoción / Source:
Plant in Dana Automoción / Source:

Victor Reinz, synonymous of innovation

Founded in 1920, the brand represents an important part of German automotive history. Reinz has over 90 years of experience in high performance automotive system sealing systems. In addition, thanks to its commitment to innovation, it has become the preferred partner within the European automotive industry.

In 1993, the Dana Group acquired the Reinz Company. Currently, it is a leader in many product segments on the market and is specialized in gaskets, seals, screws, etc. It is especially recognized for the quality of its gaskets!

Glaser, maximum quality

The brand has been on the market for more than 40 years producing spare parts for engine gaskets. The full range of the products it offers meets high OEM quality standards.

Glaser not only stands out for the quality of its products but also for the people who work in its company, since it is committed to training its employees and their professional development. These values, together with the trust and commitment that they invest in their human resources, make it a recognized brand in the international market of the automotive spare parts sector.

Auto Comercial Monedero continues working to offer you the highest quality products. You can find the entire range of Victor Reinz and Glaser products on our Web & B2B platform



Auto Comercial Monedero, specialists in the development, manufacture and distribution of spare parts for all types of industrial vehicles and buses, makes the new cylinder heads into the market for light industrial vehicles and passenger cars.

New cylinder heads for V.I.L and tourism.
New cylinder heads for V.I.L and tourism.

Quality: the most important

With the launch of this new range of stocks, the company enters the competitive sector in style, offering one of its most representative products: stocks, with the quality that Monedero products represent.

The main brands worldwide

The brand launches more than 700 new references on the market, applicable to the main brands, such as Audi, BMW, Alfa Romeo, Dacia, Iveco, Jeep, Kia, Land Rover, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan, Peugeot, Porsche, Renault, culminating thus one of Monedero’s most ambitious projects to date.

At Auto Comercial Monedero they continue to invest resources in research and development, to offer the market the products they need, with superior quality.

If you want to see exclusive images of the manufacturing process of these new cylinder heads for light commercial vehicles and passenger cars, click here.

Discover all the news Monedero has for you!

Keep up to date with the latest news and developments in the sector with our blog.


Monedero, official Reinz and Glaser distributor

All Victor Reinz and Glaser references at your disposal with Monedero. Both brands belong to the Dana Group, a global leader in the supply of highly engineered technologies, sealing and thermal management. Founded in 1904 and headquartered in Maum...


Auto Comercial Monedero, Official Bosch Distributor since 2021. All Bosch spare parts at your disposal. Auto Comercial Monedero has been an Official Bosch Distributor since 2021. We put at your disposal a wide range of spare parts for industrial v...


Auto Comercial Monedero, Official Distributor of Meritor since 2010 All Meritor spare parts at your disposal. Auto Comercial Monedero has been an Official Meritor Distributor since 2010. We offer you differentials, exploded views, and other compon...


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