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In the exciting world of automotive, every detail matters. And if there’s one thing that deserves your undivided attention, it’s taking care of your engine. After all, it’s the engine that powers every trip, every adventure on the road. To help you maintain that steady, reliable roar, we’ve put together five essential tips every driver should know.

Get ready to discover how you can keep your engine at the top of its game and ensure a smooth, worry-free ride.

1. Regular Oil Change: The Elixir of Your Engine’s Life

Oil is the guardian of your engine’s health. It provides vital lubrication, helps dissipate heat generated by friction and protects delicate internal parts from wear. With a proper maintenance program, you’ll be ensuring that your engine runs smoothly and is ready for any challenge on the road. And remember, always give your engine the best parts to ensure its long-term performance.

2. Air and Fuel Filters: Breathe Deep and Clean

Air and fuel filters are the lungs of your engine, ensuring that it breathes clean, impurity-free air and fuel. But, like any filter, they need to be checked and changed regularly to maintain their effectiveness. Optimal air and fuel flow not only improves your engine’s performance, but can also help reduce fuel consumption and harmful emissions.

3. Keep Temperature Under Control: A Happy Cooling System is a Happy Engine.

Overheating is your engine’s silent enemy. To prevent your engine from overheating, it is crucial to maintain an efficient cooling system. This involves regularly checking the coolant level and quality, as well as inspecting the integrity of the hoses and radiator. Periodic cleaning of the radiator is also critical to prevent the buildup of dirt and other debris that could obstruct airflow.

4. The Belts: The Invisible Link That Keeps Everything in Motion

Engine belts are like the invisible threads that hold everything in place. From the timing belt to the accessory belts, these parts play a crucial role in the operation of your engine. But over time, belts can wear out or weaken, which can lead to catastrophic failures if they break while you’re on the move. Inspecting them regularly and replacing them according to the manufacturer’s recommendations is critical to keeping your engine in top condition.

5. Listen to Your Engine: Your Best Guide on the Journey

Your engine is a master of nonverbal communication. It is always sending signals, whether in the form of unusual noises, strange vibrations or changes in performance. Paying attention to these signs is crucial. If something seems out of the ordinary, don’t ignore it. Take your vehicle to a reputable shop to have it checked out as soon as possible. Attending to problems immediately can save your engine from major damage and save you headaches and money on costly repairs. And remember, when it comes to replacing parts or making repairs, always opt for the best parts available to keep your engine in its best shape.


To keep an engine in good condition, it is essential to follow a regular maintenance schedule. This includes changing the oil regularly, keeping air and fuel filters clean, monitoring engine temperature, checking belts and watching for any signs of trouble. But most importantly, always use the best parts available, which will ensure optimum performance from your engine and avoid costly repairs.


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Hydrogen trucks, fact or fiction?

Hydrogen is proposed by the European Union as a good alternative to gasoline or diesel, but doubts arise as to whether it is applicable to all types of vehicles.

As we mentioned in the previous blog post, in recent months there has been a heated debate on measures to achieve climate neutrality in the EU by 2050. For this reason, the European Parliament is in the midst of negotiations to bring forward a law banning the manufacture of combustion cars from 2035.

This law is causing controversy because the leading countries in the manufacture of combustion vehicles, such as Germany and Italy, are opposing it.

Among the various alternatives to diesel or gasoline is green hydrogen, a non-polluting gas obtained through the use of renewable energies. The characteristics of green hydrogen include the fact that it is the lightest chemical element in existence, can be stored and is sustainable.

The main use of green hydrogen is to be a clean fuel for vehicles and transport of all kinds, however, it is also used in other sectors and practices. It should be noted that Spain is a major producer of green hydrogen, since the largest plant in Europe is located in our country, specifically in Puertollano (Ciudad Real).

Therefore, it would be necessary to take into account the economic advantages that this could mean for Spain, because, as the gas can be stored, it can be sold to other countries. Consequently, this could benefit the national economy, while collaborating in the ecological transition of other territories.

Hydrogen engines

It appears that diesel engines may have a second life, as engineers at the University of New South Wales in Sydney have developed a system to make a diesel engine run on hydrogen. Among the advantages of this system are that the engine produces 85% less carbon dioxide emissions and is 26% more efficient than a diesel engine.

But is this applicable to all types of vehicles? To date, the vast majority of scientific tests have been carried out on passenger cars, which may lead one to think that this system may not be equally efficient in its application in heavy commercial vehicles or trucks.

Trucks with hydrogen engines?

As mentioned in the previous section, most studies to date have considered passenger cars. Therefore, doubts arise as to whether trucks could be efficient with hydrogen as fuel, since they make long-distance trips with a large load.

Although we still cannot give a clear answer to this question, some studies and projects seem to shed light on this issue.

Mercedes-Benz GenH2

At the IAA in Hannover in September 2022, the prototype of the Mercedes-Benz GenH2 truck was exhibited and, in addition, tests were carried out with customers selected by the brand. At that time, green hydrogen obtained from the Shell station near the fairgrounds was used to observe the vehicle’s operation.

Months later, in November 2022, Daimler Trucks conducted more extensive testing of its hydrogen-powered trucks on public roads, at high altitude and fully loaded.

The hydrogen truck successfully crossed the Brenner Pass, which is one of Europe’s main freight arteries. Daimler is working to demonstrate the viability of the Mercedes-Benz GenH2 and is aiming for a range of more than 1,000 kilometers.

So far, the tests have yielded several conclusions. First, that the performance is comparable to that of a conventional diesel truck. Secondly, that the truck using liquid hydrogen has a longer range than those using gaseous hydrogen. The reason for this last characteristic is that liquid hydrogen has a higher energy density, relative to volume, than gaseous hydrogen. And so trucks using liquid hydrogen do not have to be refueled as frequently.

Among Daimler Trucks’ objectives is to continue to conduct further tests in mountainous terrain during 2023, with the aim of improving its trucks and starting series production as soon as possible.

Ocean’: Toyota innovation

Toyota’s North American subsidiary has developed, together with the US-based Kenworth Truck Company, an electric truck powered by hydrogen fuel cells. The truck is a Class 8 T680 FCEV based on the Toyota-Kenworth T680 FCEF truck.

The results have shown that this system is comparable in terms of efficiency and range to diesel engines. It was found that it achieved a range of almost 500 kilometers with a full tank and a full load without refueling.

Thus, there are indications that this new technology can replace fossil fuels in trucks and, in this way, achieve the objectives in the fight against climate change and pollution.

The ‘Keyou’ truck

German company Keyou has converted a combustion engine of an 18-ton truck to use hydrogen as fuel instead of diesel. Behind this project is the former BMW engineer, who has experience in R&D projects to use hydrogen in BMW cars.

In addition, Keyou announces total costs close to those of diesel, with a useful life of more than 700,000 kilometers and a range of 500 kilometers, all without CO2 emissions.

Nikola’s trucks

While in the case of cars, efforts are focused on battery electric vehicles, the use of hydrogen fuel cells seems to be increasingly gaining ground in freight transport.

However, hydrogen still faces a number of challenges, from production to storage. To meet these challenges, Nikola is proposing a possible solution to this problem: mobile hydrogen generators capable of refueling other fuel cell vehicles.

In this way, Nikola has announced a hydrogen truck that feeds other fuel cell industrial vehicles thanks to a mobile hydrogen feeder.


The latest projects and studies seem to indicate that the use of hydrogen fuel cells is a good alternative to the use of fossil fuels, as they maintain their efficiency and autonomy. However, there are still barriers in terms of production, storage, logistics and infrastructure.

Firstly, for hydrogen to be an environmentally friendly solution, it must be green hydrogen, i.e., produced from renewable energy, which is rare.

On the other hand, there are limitations in terms of distribution and storage of hydrogen, because it is a highly flammable gas with a very low density.

Finally, there is the problem of logistics, since hydrogen refueling sites would have to be created every 100 km. In addition, everything seems to indicate that refueling time would be longer than for diesel. The latter could delay the delivery of goods and lead to the need for a larger fleet to carry out the journeys.

In conclusion, we are getting closer and closer to the changeover, but we must continue to work on minimizing the drawbacks. The main objective is to make transportation as sustainable as possible in the future, without losing efficiency or vehicle autonomy along the way.

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Vehicles in the transport of goods

Discover which vehicles are used in the transport of goods, as well as their main characteristics… And become an #ExpertoMonedero!

Light vehicles, heavy vehicles -commercial and passenger cars-, special and agricultural vehicles… among others! We are sure that on more than one occasion you have doubted when classifying them, as it is sometimes difficult to differentiate them and remember which characteristics define them.

In this post we will focus on the types of vehicles used for the transport of goods and we will talk about their characteristics and functions. Are you interested? read on!

What they are, types and classification

Vehicles used to transport goods have an engine and at least four wheels. In addition, they can be of different types and have different characteristics. They can be light or heavy vehicles -depending on their load- and are: the truck, the van, the van, the vehicle derived from the passenger car and the adaptable mixed vehicle.

Before advancing in the article, it is important to remember what a light vehicle and a heavy vehicle are. The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda defines them as follows (2023):

  • Light vehicle: “A motor vehicle specially equipped for the transport of goods whose maximum authorized weight does not exceed 6 tons, or which, even when exceeding this weight, has a payload capacity not exceeding 3.5 tons”.
  • Heavy vehicle: “It is a motor vehicle specially equipped for the transport of goods whose maximum authorized weight exceeds 6 tons and whose payload capacity exceeds 3.5 tons. Tractor units shall be considered as heavy vehicles when they have a towing capacity of more than 3.5 tons of load”.


Vehicles for the transport of goods are classified in CATEGORY N, which includes vans and trucks. These are motor vehicles specially designed and manufactured for the transport of goods by land.

Thus, the classification they receive according to their weight is as follows:

  • N1. With Maximum Authorized Mass (MA)M of 3,500 kg -including fuel, driver, passengers and merchandise-.
  • N2. With MAM between 3,500 and 12,000 kg.
  • N3. Over 12,000 kg.

In addition, it should be mentioned that the category corresponding to trucks that use both trailers and semi-trailers is CATEGORY O. However, on this occasion, we will not emphasize these, even though they can also transport goods, since trailers and semi-trailers do not have an engine.

Truck MAM

Among its characteristics we can highlight that it has a cabin with a capacity of up to 9 seats, which is not integrated in the rest of the bodywork. Depending on their load, they can be classified as N1, N2 or N3 and can be light or heavy vehicles.

Depending on their structure, trucks can be rigid, articulated, road train and mega-trucks. Thus, depending on the type of goods they transport, we can speak of canvas trucks, open platform trucks, refrigerated trucks, heat trucks, tank trucks, closed trucks, car carriers and cage trucks.


It is a four-wheeled automobile whose cab is integrated into the rest of the bodywork, unlike the previous truck. It is intended for the transport of goods and can be a light or heavy vehicle, depending on its load.

Vans have a rigid separator made of sheet metal, which divides the part where the goods are housed from that of the seats. Removing the separator is considered a major reform in this type of vehicle, so it must be considered by a specialist to avoid accidents or problems due to the load.

Inside these vehicles there can be no bolted furniture and all cargo has to be secured with pulleys to avoid unforeseen events.

Examples of vans or vans for goods transport: refrigerated or isothermal vans, delivery vans, parcel vans, etc.

Tourism derivate

This motor vehicle is derived from the passenger car, of which it retains the bodywork, but is intended for the transport of goods. Thus, it should be noted that it has a single row of seats.

The vehicle derived from the passenger car has a separation panel between the load and the seats, the rear part being exclusively for the transport of material or goods.

Adaptable mixed vehicle

This type of vehicle is prepared for the transport of goods and people, either simultaneously or not, although they must be properly separated from each other by a safety grille when carrying the load.

The safety grille must be easy to put on and take off and it is not compulsory to wear it when going for the ITV inspection. In addition to this, the load must always be secured with straps to avoid unforeseen events or accidents.

The vehicle can only carry a maximum of 9 people, including the driver. Thus, it should be noted that in this vehicle it is possible to replace the load, either partially or totally, by people, by adding a seat.

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Crankshaft OM471LA Mercedes Benz application

Monedero launched the crankshaft in 2021 and since then it has become one of the brand’s TOP products.

Crankshaft OM471LA

In 2021, Monedero launched a first version of the OM471LA crankshaft, a product in high demand in the aftermarket. Until then, no aftermarket company could offer an alternative to the original references, which was really up to customers’ requirements.

Monedero, through reverse engineering processes, uses exhaustive analysis to ensure the highest quality and efficiency of its products. The objective is to provide its customers with new launches and exclusive references with the quality of the original parts, but at a very competitive price.

For these reasons, and through collaboration with OEM manufacturers, the best alternative to the original Mercedes crankshaft was launched on the market. The launch was a complete success, becoming today one of the TOP products of the Monedero brand; being one of the most sold references in the year 2022.

Equivalent references

The reference OM471LA crankshaft coin box is 10011000051. This is equivalent to the original Mercedes Benz references: A4710300101, A47110300201 and A4710300401.

The engine types in which the crankshaft can be applied are: 471900, 471902, 471906, 471909, 471919, 471922, 471926, 471937, 471944, 471945, 471946, 471951 and 471961.

Finally, it should be noted that the OM471LA crankshaft for Mercedes Benz application can be mounted on the following vehicles: Actros MP4/5, Arocs and Antos… Want to know more about them? Here’s why they are so special!

Mercedes Benz Actros truck

The OM471LA crankshaft for Mercedes Benz application is compatible with Actros MP4/5 trucks, the latest versions of the classic Astro heavy truck series.

The first model was launched in 1996, coinciding with the 100th anniversary of Daimler’s first truck. Its success has been such that, over the years, the model has endured and new versions of it have been launched, in line with new market needs.

Over the past 27 years, the truck series has won numerous awards, with each generation of Actros being named International Truck of the Year. In this way, it has become the truck series that has received this distinction the most.

Today, the five generations of Actros are an example in the truck industry, because they have set a benchmark in the development of electronic, efficient and modern trucks.

The OM471LA crankshaft can be mounted on the MP4 and MP5 series, which represented a radical change with respect to the previous series. These trucks incorporated more innovative designs, which established the basis for the design of these trucks. They inspired the entire truck program of the brand during the following years.


Truck Actros Mercedes Benz/ Source: Mercedes Benz Trucks (2023)
Truck Actros Mercedes Benz/ Source: Mercedes Benz Trucks (2023)

The Arocs truck: the intelligent power for the construction industry

Arocs trucks are specially designed for construction because they are robust and resistant to any challenge. Thus, this model is the ideal one to meet all needs in construction traffic.

Among its features, the following stand out:

  • Its robustness: it has an extraordinarily resistant structure, which combines with its forceful design.
  • Efficiency: it meets the highest quality standards, which translates into low fuel consumption, increasing transport efficiency.
  • Reliability: The trucks and their components have been tested in advance, taking into account the climatic and topographical conditions at the place of regular use. This guarantees the reliability of the vehicles, even under extreme conditions.
Truck Arocs Mercedes Benz / Source: Mercedes Benz Trucks (2023)
Truck Arocs Mercedes Benz / Source: Mercedes Benz Trucks (2023)

B2B web platform

We remind you that the B2B web platform of Auto Comercial Monedero offers you more than 1 million references. Here you can consult both the price and the technical characteristics of the products you need. In addition, you will be able to contact a specialized technician who will solve all your doubts and guide you through the purchase process, if necessary.

What are you waiting for to use it? Follow these simple steps that we explain below and benefit from all its advantages:

  1. Register in our online store and fill in the data sheet.
  2. Add the products you need to the cart.
  3. Choose the payment method you prefer.
  4. You are done! Soon you will receive your order.

Through our B2B web platform you can purchase the OM471 crankshaft and… many more products! Sign up and discover the #UniverseMonedero.

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